Friday, October 7, 2011

Insperation For the Constitution

The U.S. Constitution is a document that protected the rights and liberties of the American People. Through it, lawmakers and judges use it as a standard for which they base laws off of. The Constitution was created by the founding fathers that were influenced to write this document after suffering from the unlawful rule of the British Empire. After seeing the magna carta [a document that protected the civil liberties of the Englishman] being violated by the British, they realized that they needed a better standard of law that would have the power in place for no one to violate it. That is why the founding fathers ensured that the Constitution would have checks and balances so no power could over throw the other. Through the checks and balances system the constitution cannot be destroyed and the power of America’s government can rely on the American people like the preamble stated.

                Almost everything in the Constitution was inspired so the government would have checks and balances to make sure no tyrant could consume all the governmental power. The founding fathers wanted to do everything in their power to stop the ruling of another king. Through looking at different systems of government from the Anglo Saxons to the Israelites they incorporated a system of democracy that built a balance of power. It is this democratic power that influenced the making of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan. The compromise of both of these plans brought to the table a new plan that called the Great Compromise that was based in the Constitution.

The Great Compromised gave powers to the three branches of government but to make sure the government didn’t infringe on the rights of its citizens, the founding fathers created the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights limited the government from doing things unlawful like taking possession of property or being punished without trial by jury. Indeed the constitution protected peoples’ rights including the freedom of religion. And for this reason the Constitution could have never been brought about without the help of the God.

                Furthermore, God played his hand in the construction of the Constitution with the intention of bringing Liberty. In D&C 134:2 it reads, “We believe that no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.” In this verse God endorses the same motives of the founding fathers such as life, liberty and property. But God didn’t just endorse the founding fathers motives but raised and guided the founding fathers to establish the Constitution. In D&C 101:80 it says, “And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood.” So to God it was through him that our freedom and the constitution came about. And to summarize the Constitution in God’s perspective D&C 101:77 states, “According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles.”

                The Constitution as a whole encompasses the essence liberty. It was liberty that inspired the founding fathers to establish this document. With the help of God and Wise Men [the founding fathers] the inspiration to break away from the British was laid out to ensure that the gospel could be established. With the rights of the people prevalent in such a document, the rest of the world mirrored the work with their own Constitutions that gave everyone the freedom of religion. And for this grand purpose was the Constitution inspired by God.



  1. Your essay is very good, I like how you put so many facts to back up your evidence. My only recommendation is that next time try to tie in what you are trying to prove better. But overall, you did great!

  2. Great essay. Good job using examples and explaining them clearly.

  3. Your essay is great! I like how you put many facts and backed them up and how you put scripture references in it as well! Great job!
